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   Going the extra mile!!
 Volunteer/ Give back plan
Meal planning 
Relaxing, Living, Activityratio
Balancing life and living
The HYPT Group has been Helping Your Planet Thrive  for over two decades.

Collectively we have over 100 years of experience. This does lend a hand when tackling problems or running into things we aren’t familiar with. That’s the beauty of having a team who’s more like family when it comes to calling on them they are right there. We offer estimates on sustainable living houses and or setting up your return plot. Your return plot is an area you decide to begin growing organic fruits, greens, veggies to better fuel your vessel. Asses your daily diet- immediately-

-Are you Helping Your Planet Thrive- HYPTgroup

Our History

The HYPT group developed in mid 20’s and Is the brain child of a California native. Thought up to be just a group of volunteers philanthropist that only had to pass a smile to be giving back enough to be considered in. Also to contribute to bettering the society by even the smallest acts of kindness to show that we can all occupy the same globe The HYPTgroup was established to do just that add the feeling of being A part of a world class team. Even if faced with scrutiny the individual will still walk as his higher power would and does. 

We also have put together plans and began giving back by helping families procure there own food so we all know what we are eating. 

Joining The HYPTgroup is easy.. .

Start Smiling. 

When you realize you as well as your thoughts have contributed more or less to all your failures and successes. Be like iron, when the heat is on bend in the shape the allows you to stay whole. 

Join —. HYPT Group today. —— 

give back counter 

calorie counter 

steps counter

What we do

With plenty of experience in commercial, medicinal &personal grow sites we can take care of all your growing needs
Land surveys 

We have set up as well as visited well kept gardens around the world. We believe a site survey is one way to be certain you are getting the most out of your plot.

Plant selection

Updates upon availability 

Garden makeover

We also offer full haul over of your existing garden if you have one. Or even if your still the planning stages we can help get you going in the right direction.

Watering & Drainage

Information on HelpingYourPlanetThrive upon request

What our clients say

Some of your most incredible adventures may occur  while meditating and/or revisiting your utopia. Stay HYPT 

Helping Your Planet Thrive

Willie Rivera

Na maste to the HYPT Group.. . Changing the world one at time

Larry Porter

Our Latest Projects

© Copyright HYPT group